Barn Quilt

      So here’s how it goes in my life….Two weeks ago, I had never even heard of a Barn Quilt. Then, I came across a picture of one on Pinterest and nothing would do but I HAD TO HAVE ONE! So, I picked a design, mapped it out on graph paper then headed to Home Depot to get my wood. This afternoon, Mack (channelling Chip Gaines to my chubby version of JoJo) ascended a rather shaky ladder and hung it for me (The fact that we don’t have a barn did not daunt me – we have a tool shed!).

Barn Quilt 2

In the old days, paint was expensive and farmers couldn’t afford to paint the whole barn, so they painted these squares on the fronts of barns to spruce them up a bit. The designs were often based on old family quilt squares.

Back in 2001, a woman in Ohio came up with the idea of reviving the tradition of Barn Quilts, creating a driving trail of a “sampler” of quilt squares that invited visitors to drive the countryside. Twenty farmers signed on and the first modern day Quilt Trail was born.

I chose the chicken for a few reasons. First, I got a bunch of Mop’s chickens when she moved from her house. Many years ago, she made the mistake of saying that she liked chickens, and so for every occasion, we all gave her a chicken something. So, we all three have quite a collection. Secondly, I’ve always wanted to live on a farm (I don’t want to do the work or anything like that, I just want to live on a farm, have chickens, goats, horses, etc – that somebody else takes care of). Since that ship appears to have sailed, a chicken barn quilt seemed like the next best thing (and you don’t have to clean up after it). And then, I just thought it was the cutest of the designs.

So, maybe I’ll start a new tradition here in the ‘burbs…a trail of backyard tool shed quilts. Hmmmm, now that’s an idea.

Grow your food

The Grow Your Food…Feed Your Soul sign is hung over the vegetable garden. We won’t plant ’till next week (because that’s what Poppy did!). Tomatoes next Saturday, then the rest on Good Friday.

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